Patient-Centered Care: How sovaSage Delivers and Why This Matters

“Patient-Centered Care” is a popular buzz word in healthcare these days and a worthy goal. As providers we want to deliver the care patients need when they need it and simplify their experiences.

Sounds great – until you try to deliver care with traditional solutions!

Delivering care for CPAP management is extremely challenging.  As one of the only chronic diseases that occur only when patients are sleeping, problems tend to present themselves at night and at home, resulting in off hour problems, difficult to ascertain causes, and delayed responses.  This problem is further exacerbated by the fact that reimbursement continues to go down and providers face chronic staff shortages.

If we take an honest look at the current processes used throughout the CPAP management industry, a typical experience for patients and providers includes:

  • Calendar based check points where a clinician or trained individuals checks or monitors patients results (usage, AHI, mask leak, etc.).
  • Providers receive prioritized alerts based upon AI or other algorithms in an attempt to highlight patients with urgent needs.
  • Educational resources about equipment are shared with patients via email, written content, and videos on YouTube.
  • Patients are advised to call providers the next day if they have a problem.

The current processes are not Patient-Centered Care or a simplified experience. What results is a reactive and delayed responses for both patients and providers.  Furthermore, these manual processes require staffing, which remains a challenge across the industry due to clinical staff shortages and high turnover rates.  Considering these challenges, the experience for patients gets even worse and often means that some patients never get they help they need at all.

How does sovaSage help your team deliver Patient-Centered Care?

  • Leveraging smart technology, sovaSage monitors every patient – every day (for usage, AHI, mask leak) and reaches out to the patient when the patient is having a problem – often before they every know it – not based on an arbitrary calendar.
  • Automating the monitoring process, and some of the messaging, JeanieTM provides more timely and more relevant content.  This means our team communicates more and, when we communicate, it is specific to the patients’ problem and equipment.
  • Sending equipment specific coaching and content to the patients’ smart phone through JeanieTM, when help is needed, rather than expecting patients to find old emails, search on YouTube, or download an app.

Why does Patient-Centered Care matter to patients and providers?

Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea and seek treatment. Being treated is not easy but sovaSage tools dramatically improve patients’ chances for success.

Using sovaSage tools, patients benefit by:

  • Having support 24x7x365 and not feeling so isolated on their treatment journey.
  • Being empowered to manage their own care.
  • Reaching compliance sooner, 80% of our customers patients are compliant by day 35!
  • Engaging with JeanieTM exactly when needed, allowing live clinicians to focus on patients who require additional assistance.
  • Receiving support for the full 90 days, no matter what. When a patient reaches compliance, we stick with them…we manage them for the full 90 days.

More relevant and more timely coaching content, coupled with expert live intervention when needed drastically improves the patient experience and likelihood of therapeutic success.

As patients, we all want to feel like we are in control of our health, while also feeling supported by providers.  The sovaSage JeanieTM technology is designed to provide that perfect balance between personal touch and maximizing patient control.

Join our webinar

Initial compliance is important and JeanieTM is the tool to help your patients get there. But what happens after the initial 90-day compliance period?

Join William Kaigler, Caryn Plessinger, and Andrea Hansen, on Thursday, February 8th at 2:00pm EST to find out how JeanieTM can dramatically increase patient adherence, reduce waste in CPAP mask-fitting, increase your staff’s productivity, and boost patient profitability like never before!

Fill out the form below to reserve your spot.